Inglés III
Inglés IV

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My experience learning English at the university
The English to be as well help in my studies. As an illustration, many papers and text be in this language, and I can to read thank my knowledge. At most, in some years I hope travel and take a postgraduate course, and this language to be a support in the moment when I want communicate with the people around.
And the top it all, English it’s not only useful in the studies, as well a big help in daily things. For example, when I go to the cinema or I see the television whit movies and series in this language, I understand better the dialogues.
Currently, in the country some schools we teach this language, but in majority it’s a private school and the monthly payment as very elevate. And so, many children not receive this teaching, and his develop its very low in comparison with other children in the country.
Consequently, it’s very important reinforce the education about this language because to cause an opening the human with the world and to make to know and interested in new thing that before not exist in the mind. Like know about new topics, disciplines and activities.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
How green are you?

In Santiago, exist many places where learn about the help of environmental, like construct a vegetable garden for the homes, or to recycle the waste, and many people to converge in this sites. My mom went to the class where learn about produce compost with the vegetable waste of the house. Later, she put this compost in to the plants of the garden, and now is very big and pretty.
Every week went to the corner of square block, in this place exist a container for papers, and I leave the periodic as accumulate in my house. Sometimes, I deposit the milk box in containers of supermarket. The most of the times, I went to the university in my bike, in this form I help not produce a combustion and I save the traffic of the streets; and I walk in the short distance.
In the past, I work in ambient consult dedicated all the sunday, to turn the street in cycle path, where all the people to ride bicycle (kids, adults and grandfathers). This activity is very entertaining and good initiative.
I think with the time, all people participate (the many forms) to help the city, to get into conscience of to damage to make our environment. Also, the new technologies to develop a new machines and instruments as help reduce the carbon footprint, and the bad chemist to hurt the nature and the cities. Produce new materials, to replace the damaging materials, like petroleum or the plastic. In this form, the world long many years!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
My High School experience

Not all the classes I liked, my favorites were history and music, as teachers were very good and the classes were very entertaining. Had subjects that were very interesting, as a language and philosophy, but in which teachers could not get the attention of students, so the classes became a veritable martyrdom.
Apart from the classic classes, there were extra-curricular activities that were very interesting and fun. I was the first violin in the school orchestra for many years, also participated with my friends at a literary workshop it given law students, and I had the opportunity to attend the Congress of Anthropology of Masons schools in all country, ir carried out in the city of Talcahuano in 2006, was a very educational and entertaining journey.
For all these activities had the support of the school, as well as infrastructure. There were good sound equipment to present the orchestra in the various activities carried out in school as "peñas" and the day of music.
I think the school really influenced my career choice after college, and all my history teachers helped me with my queries, clarifying doubts and sometimes reaffirm my choice. But I think that nowadays, new technologies should be better exploited by teachers, because children today are growing next to computers, televisions and phones, therefore we must "speak in their language" to better understand school subjects.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Boarding the Lifeline Express for a healthy future

One of the doctors in this project is Dr Ashok Kumar Agarwal, and his team screened a 90 adults, children and babies, but only 17 as considerer a candidate for surgery. On average, 5.500 patients register for treatment at each of the 12 annual projects. And, each project coast around £40,000, financially for sponsors and the help of voluntaries doctor.
One of the things more relevant in the article, for the anthropologist approach, is the role of mother in law on Indian society. The doctors of the India's Lifeline Express, observe that this woman as very important in the Indian families. She take care about the health or education in the members her family, like the grandchildren. The mother in law helps a lot of a daughter in law, with the sons and all of the labors for to look after, even the ante-natal.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Pulp Fiction

“Pulp Fiction” tells the history of drug dealer, bodyguards of powerful men and revenges between gangs. The kitsch atmosphere and ironic dialogues as the highlights elements present in the movie. There are much guns confrontation, with blood’s scenes and shootings. But also have scenes of “love”, as when Mia Wallace (the wife a powerful and evil man) and Vincent Vega (the bodyguard of this man) dance in a restaurant with music like Rock and Roll background. This is one of my favorites scenes in all movies in the world! I hope someday to dress up like Uma Thurman in this scenes, and dance like she. As well, in “Pulp Fiction” it a partners more recording in all movies of the times. They are Vincent and Jules (Samuel L. Jackson), violent guys in dangerous adventures.
One of the things of much I love in this movie is the mix between the daily life of the characters, if like our life, and the problems with to battle. This problems not to present in our life, like shootings or drugs, so it`s very funny show this things in the movies.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Santiago...a city that hides its charms.

If a stranger asks me what are the most entertaining and distinctive Santiago, would answer that at first glance seem a boring and ugly, but not so! There are many places to entertain.
In Santiago there are always many things to be done for different types of people. No doubt you should visit the center of Santiago, the old buildings as "La Moneda", the "Casa Colorada" and the Cathedral. Also walk around the Plaza de Armas and the Paseo Ahumada, as they are in these places where the daily life of Chile.
Among my favorite places in the city are:
- Museum of Bellas Artes and Parque Forestal: This museum has the oldest collections of paintings in the country, and that depict the various eras that have lived here in Chile. The museum is located in one of the most beautiful parks in Santiago, where one can lie on the grass to enjoy the summer.
- Parque Quinta Normal: This is another park in the city of Santiago that has museums of various kinds, and also a lagoon where you can browse. It is perfect for enjoying a sunny spring afternoon.
- Cajon del Maipo: Although this place is not proper in Santiago, this valley is only minutes from the city and can make beautiful walks surrounded by nature. You can visit hot springs, horseback riding, camping, etc.
- El Arrayan: Tourist site that offers people the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and interact with plants and animals typical of the mountainous area of the metropolitan region. In this place you can fish, picnic, biking, etc..
- Cerro San Cristobal and Barrio Bellavista: The Cerro San Cristobal is located in the middle of the city and can do activities such as sports, going to the zoo, visiting the Japanese Park, etc. And at the end of the day you can go to the various night clubs of Bellavista, a drink and dance until dawn.
In this way, you can enjoy the city of Santiago in very different ways, connecting with nature as well as living the urban life.
Trapped Miners

The news of 33 miners trapped in the mine "San José", 700 meters of depht, in the northern part of the country, since August 5th cause a big impact to all Chilean population. After having no hope of finding alive, on August 22 were able to establish communication with them, and eas know that the 33 they were alive inside a refuge of the mine.
It was really surprising and exciting for all to know about the survival of these mens. But in my opinion, one of the things that more stands out in this news is the little respect that has had toward the miners. Since it became known that they were alive, the mass media have not stopped reporting things that have no relevance, such what they had lunch in a day, the play that was sent them or private messages that send miners to their families.
This situation shows the little respect that has to the private life, especially on this delicate theme, as both these mens and their families are in a sensitive state and last thing they need is to be hounded by the press. I would like the news has focused on the issue of poor quality found mines of our country and the poor condition of workers.
Finally, this news has been transformed into a circus where the miners are treaties like the participants of a "reality show", without to have elected to participate in it.