Inglés IV

Inglés IV

Friday, June 4, 2010

Stereotypes in the Faculty

When I arrived to the faculty I realized that in this place there are people of very different types, not like in the school where we were all similar.

In this time I have been able to distinguish some stereotypes that wander for the place, as the hippies, geeks, politicians, urbans, rurals and many other types that are scarcer.

Many people think that all the anthropologists we are hippies, but is not so thus. It is true that many people in this career that are "hippies with money" but other normal people exist that themselves would be able catalogue in no stereotype particularly.

The geeks are the people that have the last technology and they walk from a place to another with her, themselves they cannot separate of their netbooks.

The politicians are the people that participate in assemblies and marches, they send mails with resolutions that agreed in said assemblies and they encourage to the remainder to participate in them.

The urbans are them called "santiaguinos" and the rurals are the people that are of other regions of the country. These last they occupy strange words, at time they eat different things and always they leave to their houses long weekends.

Finally, I consider myself a strange mixture among urban and hippy, but without money :P

1 comment:

  1. When I arrived to the faculty I realized that in this place there are people of very different types, not like in the school where we were all similar.

    In this time I have been able to distinguish some stereotypes that wander for the place, as the hippies, geeks, politicians, urbans, rurals and many other types that are scarcer.

    Many people think that all the anthropologists W we are hippies, but is not so thus. It is true that many people in this career that are "hippies with money" but other normal people exist that themselves would be able catalogue in no stereotype particularly.

    The geeks are the people that have the WW last technology and they walk from a place to another with her, themselves they cannot separate WW of their netbooks.

    The politicians are the people that participate in assemblies and marches, they send mails with resolutions that agreed in said assemblies and they encourage to the remainder to participate in them.

    The urbans are them called "santiaguinos" and the rurals are the people that are of other regions of the country. These last they occupy strange words, at time they eat different things and always they leave to their houses long weekends.

    Finally, I consider myself a strange mixture among urban and WF hippy, but without money :P

    well done! a strange mixture uh? any preference?
